Speedcafe.com’s commitment to fight online hate and abuse

Speedcafe.com will use the power of its reach and voice to put a spotlight on the scale of online hate and abuse, and the damage that it can inflict upon individuals.

Across the broad Speedcafe.com network and social media channels, everybody is welcome – that’s a message we are proud to share.

Inclusion is integral to Speedcafe.com’s values, and few activities bring fans together like motorsport. Whether participating, watching a race live, or having your say on a story, we all deserve to get satisfaction, joy and entertainment out of the sport we all love.

Speedcafe.com is committed to doing more to tackle racism and online social media hate. We are also just as committed to support diversity in sport, both as an employer and publisher.

Social media companies are the best placed to deal with harmful content on their platforms and we are in regular dialogue providing feedback and reports. We need them to do more.

As a large publisher on social media platforms, it is difficult for us to monitor and manage every comment that is posted but we remain committed to regular monitoring and will take action against any abusive or hateful comment.

We are committed to promoting change, ensuring Speedcafe.com’s website and social media profiles is a place for comment, free of abuse, hate and profanity.

Speedcafe.com will take the following action:

  • Speedcafe.com will use the power of its reach and voice to highlight the scale of online hate and abuse and the damage that it can inflict upon people
  • Speedcafe.com will immediately seek to remove any abusive and hateful comments posted on it’s website and social media channels
  • Speedcafe.com will block users that publish hate on all of our platforms and channels – no warnings are granted
  • Speedcafe.com will report hate and abuse to the social media platforms where they are published on
  • Speedcafe.com will report the most serious cases to the relevant authorities
  • Speedcafe.com will actively work with the social media providers to help make their platforms safer and more respectful

Comment policy:

Speedcafe.com encourages all fans to have their say via its digital and social media platforms.

We kindly ask that comments remain on topic and do not fall into any of the below categories.

  • Targeted bullying/harassment and/or encouraging others to do so
  • Exhibiting aggressive or antisocial behaviours
  • Spam (i.e. repeating your comment over and over)
  • Defamatory
  • External links and/or advertising
  • Impersonation
  • Offensive language
  • Direct threat of harm
  • Posting personally identifiable information
  • Inappropriate profile content of images/GIFs/emojis

If a comment is found to fall into any of these categories, the Speedcafe.com team will immediately remove that contribution and the user will be logged as failing to comply with this policy.

Users who fail to follow our social media and digital policy will be permanently banned from our platforms after the second incident.

Speedcafe.com reserves the right to immediately ban a user if the breach is serious enough and/or falls into two or more categories.

All decisions made, whether it be removing a comment or banning a user are final – changes will not be reversed.

While every attempt is made at monitoring comments, occasionally, a particular contribution will get through the system. In this instance, or if you believe a comment should be removed, we ask you to take a screenshot, copy the link and report it to us at info@speedcafe.com or via the contact page.

We believe it’s important for all fans to have their say on the sport you love – and that we love.

Thank you for supporting Speedcafe.com and we look forward to your respectful comments.


Speedcafe.com reserves the right to close comments if deemed necessary.

How you can help

If you see a comment or reply on Speedcafe.com or its social media profiles with an expression of hate on the basis of race, colour, nationality, ethnicity, disability, religion, sexuality, age, sex or class please copy the website URL of the hateful post or take a screenshot and contact us immediately (info@speedcafe.com).

Together we will strive to make our social media accounts the safest space for all fans.

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