Mark Winterbottom is set to be reunited with his family soon after they flew from their home state of Victoria to Queensland earlier this week.
The Team 18 driver’s family has joined a growing group who are completing a mandatory 14-day managed hotel isolation.
It is anticipated Faux will join the Clayton-based team at the Robson Civil Projects Townsville SuperSprint on September 5-6.
Winterbottom’s wife and their three sons will be reunited after the second of the Townsville SuperSprint events.
“I’ve got a 14-month-old boy who’s developing really quick so it’s tough,” Winterbottom told WIN News.
“We’re lucky we’ve got family that support you really well. In 10 days’ time, we’ll be a family again and it’ll feel more normal. I miss the family.”
Winterbottom will be on track today at the NTI Townsville SuperSprint with Practice 1 at 10:00 local time/AEST.